The process included:
- Reviewing the various materials, including the windows, roof, foundation, structure, chimney, life/safety, accessibility, trim, site, and other elements to determine what would require repair, replication, removal, or upgrade as part of a major project as well as on-going maintenance.
- Exterior remodeling of the Old Town Hall occurred over time, Kodet returned the building to it’s original appearance.
- Modifications to the grade were made to slope the site at the front elevation so that it appears more as it did when it was originally constructed. This also provides accessibility to the main level of the interior.
- The original windows were refurbished; trim, including the cupola, was replicated based on salvaged pieces and photographs; the roof was replaced with new flashing to eliminate leaks.
- At the interior, the main floor was restored with trim repair, wood floor patching and returning the celing to a more historic period. In addition, a unisex restroom was added to the space to make it more functional for the Bloomingtion Historical Society.
Throughout all the work, Kodet worked with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation to repair intact historic material and replicate what had been lost.
Design Awards:
Stewardship Award, Minnesota Preservation Alliance, 2007
Restoration of the Cupola was completed utilizing historic photographs.

Historical Photographs provided by the Bloomington Historical Society and were used in restoration and detailing for rebuilding the elements destroyed by years of renovations and use.